Ket's Site

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S•T•A•L•K•E•R Clear Sky/General

Currently playing Clear Sky on a Windows 10 system the game suffers from lag spikes occurring on a far too regular basis - multiple times every minute. To make the game playable at this time a mod is available fixing many major issues with the game. This mod is named or simply on many online forums. Links for this mod at the time of writing this are and [co,11/11/2019,I have also made a fork at the time of writing this at just for safe keeping.] The game still suffers from many annoyances, such as NPCs being able to push you around, which even at the early stages of the game that I am in has caused me to have to go back to an earlier save of the game due to NPCs pushing my character into props in the landscape that I cannot move from during a fire fight. Though annoying these bugs can be overlooked and I am still having a satisfactory player experience right now.