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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - First Thoughts

This isn't actually the first time I have played this game, as it was the very first game I played on my XBox 360 many years ago. I didn't have too many memories of the game, other than it looking beautiful and hating the boss fight combos, but not enough to stop me enjoying the game and having an all together positive memory of the whole thing.

Jumping back into the game I expected it to look terrible, as you often do going back into games that looked amazing when they first came out years ago. Surprisingly the graphics actually somewhat hold up. I am also very surprised that now I am playing again I remember much more than I thought at first; such as entire level maps or just whats around the corner waiting to surprise me in particular areas.

The game is very hack-and-slash-y, which for me is a bad thing, but so far it has provided enough of a challenge to keep me interested through the first couple of levels.

The story is rather fun as you take the role of Vader's apprentice who he is toughening up to overpower the emperor with; but it isn't worth getting too invested in the story as (if I am remembering correctly) all events from games between Star Wars episode III and the Disney acquisition have been written off. I have not kept up with the franchise's movies since Disney took ownership so I guess I still get to experience the story the same way I would have in my first play though.

One thing that does show the age of the game is that the menu controls are utterly bizarre.